Rabbit Listings

Meet Boots

All about Boots
Animal ID: 53658064

Boots is a 3 years old male Rabbit rabbit and has been with us for 211 days.

I'M A PATIENT PAW! This means that I have been available for adoption for over 30 days, please ask about my reduced adoption fee!

**Boots is bonded to his bunwife Sparkle**

Age: 3 years old
Sex: Male

Hello, I'm Boots - the adorable gentleman of our rabbit kingdom. I might be the brave one, but Sparkle is the one who keeps our cozy space organized and delightful.

Life's fast pace sometimes makes Sparkle a tad nervous, but my courage and our unbreakable bond help us feel safe. Veggies are our heart's desire, and a serene, quiet home is where I shine. Bunny-proofing our environment is a must - I have a knack for finding the tiniest spaces.

We're on the lookout for a peaceful sanctuary without dogs or kids, where Sparkle and I can blossom together. If you're ready for a loving pair of bunnies who fill every day with sweetness, book an appointment and choose us, Sparkle and Boots. Our paws are ready to dance into your heart!
Photos (click for full-size)