All Animal Listings

Meet Harrison

All about Harrison
Animal ID: 2000225034

Harrison is a 1 year, 2 months old male Domestic Shorthair/Mix cat who weighs 7 pounds.

Harrison is available through our "Adopt From a Foster Home" program. Please email if you are interested in scheduling a meeting. Please do not make an appointment through our online booking calendar, as Harrison is not available to meet on site.

Age: 1 year
Weight: 3.98kg

Greetings from Harrison, the scared and shy cat looking for his second chance at life. Brought to the Calgary Humane Society through no fault of his own, Harrison has not had a lot of experience with people and is still learning to trust them! His foster parent says he is working very hard and is slowly gaining confidence with pets and cuddles. Harrison also seems to love other cats, and is much more confident with them around. As such, he would do best with a feline friend (or two!) to help show him that the world isn't so scary. Are you ready to give this lovely boy a chance? Email us today to learn more!

Note that many cats do not reach full size until they are about a year and a half old. The weight listed here is the cat's current weight.

Photos (click for full-size)