Cat Listings

Meet Blitzen

All about Blitzen
Animal ID: 2000218388

Blitzen is a 3 years, 2 months old male Domestic Shorthair/Mix cat who weighs 13 pounds.

Age: 3 years
Weight: 6.27 kg

Meet mister Blitzen, a very handsome young man who hasn't had the easiest life so far. Blitzen came into our care wounded and very frightened and has had a hard time learning that people can be caring and trusted. Since he took up residence in his foster home, he has made incredible progress! When he first arrived, he would stay in hiding and hiss at anyone who approached. After giving him the time and space he needed, Blitzen does not hide at all anymore and now spends much of his time hanging out with people or on his cat perches watching the birds and squirrels outside. He really likes playing with balls and destroying stuffy toys - his hunting instinct appears to be very much intact! Having said that, we believe he really enjoys being an indoor cat. He is food motivated and will come running for a little Churu treat. He LOVES horizontal cardboard scratchers - which he uses to try to keep his nails nicely trimmed. In the evenings he will cuddle in his plush cat bed purring and making biscuits. Before bedtime, he likes to have a good play session, have his evening meal and then go off to sleep. Blitzen still hisses his greetings in the morning, but he really just wants to say "good morning" and "where is my breakfast?".

It will take Blitzen some time to warm up to his new home and family, and it is important that his future adopters go slow with him and give him the time and space he needs to become comfortable. He will reward you by showing you his sweet, quirky, playful personality! A calm, quiet home without young children would make the perfect home. If you think he is the boy for you, please email Adoptions today!
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